Safety Standards

The research and development of lithium battery technology is an important issue in today's global energy field.

  • International Battery Testing and Certifications

    • IEC62133
    • Battery Directive (EU/EEA)
    • PSE (Japan)
    • KC Certification (South Korea)
    • UN38.3
    • UL1642(USA)
    • Reference
  • IEC62133

    • IEC 62133 is an international safety standard for rechargeable batteries containing alkaline or non-acid electrolytes. It specifies requirements and tests to ensure their safe operation. 

      IEC 62133-2:2017 specifically focuses on portable sealed lithium batteries with non-acid electrolytes, ensuring their safe use and handling under normal and foreseeable misuse conditions.

      IEC62133 Test Certificate.jpg

    • Test Items (for lithium-ion cells and batteries)

      Continuous charging at constant voltage(cells)

      Case stress at high ambient temperature(battery)

      External short-circuit(cells)

      External short-circuit(battery)

      Free fall

      Thermal abuse(cells)


      Over-charging of battery

      Forced discharge(cells)


      Mechanical Shock

      Design evaluation - Forced internal short-circuit(cells)

  • Battery Directive (EU/EEA)

    • Applicable Countries or Region
      • European Union (EU) member states and European Economic Area (EEA) countries

      Note: - Battery Directive is set to be repealed in 2025 by the new Batteries Regulation.

                - New Batteries Regulation entered into force on 17 August 2023.

    • Scope Of Batteries

      Lithium-ion batteries

      Lithium metal batteries

      Alkaline batteries

      Nickel-cadmium batteries

      Button cell batteries

      Nickel-metal hydride batteries

      Sealed lead-acid batteries

    • Battery Testing Flowchart

      Battery Directive Battery Testing Flowchart.png

  • PSE (Japan)

    • PSE (Product Safety Electrical Appliance & Material) is a mandatory certification in Japan for electrical appliances and materials. 

    • Applicable Country


    • PSE Mark

      PSE Diamond Mark: The PSE Diamond Mark is the mandatory marking for Category A Products which are also referred to as Specified Products

      Manufacturers of these products are required to go through a Conformity Assessment to gain a Statement of Conformity which is an essential part of the whole PSE registration process. During this process the manufacturer must conduct product testing and a factory audit through a METI designated CAB (Conformity Assessment Body).

      PSE-diamond-mark.jpg               PSE-circle-mark.jpg

      PSE Circle Mark: The PSE Circle Mark is the mandatory marking for Category B products, also called Non-specified Products.

      The manufacturer tests the product according to the applicable standards of DENAN and then use a Self-Declaration process to declare product conformity. 

    • Test Items

      External short circuit

      Mechanical shock(crash hazard)

      Low pressure

      Temperature cycling

      Thermal abuse

      Forced internal short circuit of cells

      Crushing of cells

      Forced discharge


      Free fall

      Cell protection against a high charging rate

      Free fall of appliance

      Battery enclosure test at high ambient temperature

      Function of the overvoltage protection of batteries

  • KC Certification (South Korea)

    • KC Certification, also known as KC Safety Certification, is a mandatory requirement for products sold in South Korea. It ensures the safety and quality of products through testing according to Korean standards. Products that pass receive the KC mark, indicating compliance with Korean standards. The KC Safety certification system categorizes products into three main groups: electronic products, household products, and items for children.


      Once the KC Mark registration is successfully completed, the KC logo must be affixed to the product.

    • Application Procedure

      KC Certification application procedure .png

    • Test Items
      • High Temperature Storage

      • Temperature Cycling Test

      • External Short Circuit Test

      • Crushing of Cells

      • Cell Protection Against a High Charging Rate

      • Overheating test (Thermal Abuse Test)

  • UN38.3

    • Battery chemistries that are lithium-based must undergo UN38.3 testing requirements before being transported. This testing certifies that the batteries are safe and will not pose a safety risk during shipping over air, water, rail, or road transportation methods.

      There are 8 tests required for UN38.3 certification:

      Tests T1-T5, conducted on the same samples for all battery types in sequence:

      Test T1: Altitude Simulation – Simulates low pressure (primary and secondary cells and batteries)

      Test T2: Thermal Test – This test offers an integrity check during rapid and extreme temperature changes (primary and secondary cells and batteries)

      Test T3: Vibration – Simulates vibration during transportation (primary and secondary cells and batteries)

      Test T4: Shock – Simulates vibration during transportation (primary and secondary cells and batteries)

      Test T5: Short Circuit – Simulates an external short circuit (primary and secondary cells and batteries)

      Test T6: Impact – Simulates impact and crush to the case of the cell (primary and secondary cells)

      Test T7: Overcharge – Simulates overcharge on a rechargeable battery (secondary batteries)

      Test T8: Forced Discharge – Simulates forced discharge of cells (primary and secondary cells)

  • UL1642(USA)

    • UL 1642 covers secondary (rechargeable) lithium-ion cells and primary (nonrechargeable) cells and batteries. Lithium primary cells have metallic lithium or lithium alloy anodes. Lithium-ion cells do not contain metallic lithium and typically have lithiated graphite at the negative electrode and a lithium metal oxide or phosphate at the positive electrode. Batteries may consist of a single cell or two or more cells connected in series or parallel — both with and without protection and control circuitry. UL 1642 includes the following tests: short circuit, abnormal charging, forced discharge, vibration, shock, crush, cell impact, temperature cycling, heating, altitude simulation and projectile/fire exposure.

  • Reference

      • Intertek, "IEC 62133: Safety Testing for Lithium Ion Batteries",

      • MPR, "What is PSE",

      • European Commission. "Batteries"

      • MPR, "What is KC Certification for South Korea?",

      • International Electrotechnical Commission, "IEC 62133-2:2017",


      • UN 38.3 Testing for Lithium Batteries,

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